Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, although not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon: like UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool" Elsewhere, such as in Ireland, France, and the USA, the jokes last all day. Another origin is that April 1 was counted the first day of the year in France. When King Charles IX changed that to January 1, some people stayed with April 1. Those who did were called "April Fools" and were taunted by their neighbors.


The origin of April Fools' Day is obscure. One likely theory is that the modern holiday was first celebrated soon after the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar; the term referred to someone still adhering to the Julian Calendar which it replaced.[2] In many pre-Christian cultures May Day (May 1) was celebrated as the first day of summer, and signalled the start of the spring planting season. An April Fool was someone who did this prematurely. In the eighteenth century the festival was often posited as going back to the times of Noah. An English newspaper article published on April 13th, 1789 said that the day had its origins when he sent the raven off too early, before the waters had receded. He did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April. A possible reference to April Fools' Day can be seen in the Canterbury Tales (ca 1400) in the Nun's Priest's tale, a tale of two fools: Chanticleer and the fox, which took place on March 32nd.

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Time is money - and so is e-mail

Time is money - and so is e-mail

How do we begin to understand the cost of e-mail use at work? The first step is to establish some realistic assumptions on volume and time. For instance, my research has shown that 65 per cent of e-mails require a response. Therefore, if you receive 40 e-mails a day, then 26 require a return message and you are therefore dealing with 66 pieces of e-mail.

The remaining 35 per cent of daily e-mails are a combination of workplace spam, spurious messages largely originating from within the organization that should not have been sent in the first place and those all department-all employee messages, many of which could be rerouted to the corporate Intranet. Already through creating assumptions, we witness a first area to focus our cost-savings efforts -- stopping unwanted e-mail before it starts.

Now that we have established a method to capture volumes, let's look at time spent. The actual time we spend on e-mail can be divided into three phases:

In the prioritization phase, we spend time deciding which e-mails we should open. We now get too many e-mails in our inboxes to afford the luxury of dealing with them on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Since we aren't generally sitting in front of our computers waiting for the next message to arrive, we tend to visit our inboxes sporadically, both in between meetings and at the start and end of the workday. What makes this phase such an illusive time-drain is our wariness of being caught by the non-relevant e-mail. Our attempts to sift through the messages in order to bypass or save certain ones for later review takes more time now than we are willing to credit.

Some people open e-mails then decide to close them (some even take the extra time to mark them as unread), just to save them for later. It's actually much more efficient once the message is open, to just handle it rather than making the extra effort to defer the inevitable.

During the comprehension phase, we commit ourselves to focus attention on the message. This is where a well-crafted and relevant e-mail makes so much difference to both our time and our mood. E-mails that aren't explicit as to the nature of the request take more time to discern -- likewise, for those e-mails where the subject line is either too vague or doesn't match the underlying message.
These innocent sender antics cause receivers to lose their rhythm and now their attention needs to be refocused. Again, we underestimate the time it takes to plow through a message that we thought originally was about something else. This too is where our mood shifts -- depending on the circumstances, we get in touch with feeling betrayed by these sender habits. Multiply this situation by 10 such messages a day, and it's no surprise that for many of us e-mail becomes not only a chore, but also a bore.

The disposition phase for an e-mail can also be quite an elusive time thief. The key decisions that we make here are whether to respond and what to do with the message afterwards.

Instinctively, we know which messages require response, but there are e-mails where we ponder our next move -- should I acknowledge receipt, say thanks or conclude the message loop?

We also spend more time than we should deciding whether to delete the e-mail after a response or to save it to a folder. Those of us who actively use electronic folders are ahead in the e-mail time management race because we reserve our inboxes for current items.

Unfortunately, there are many people who use their inbox only, keeping old messages stacked below the new incoming ones. While this may seem more efficient than taking the time to file, ask yourself what it costs us in time spent feeling guilty that we have 1,468 messages (and counting) in our inbox?

It seems that e-mail use has become a legitimate independent cost centre. The problem is that it doesn't appear on anyone's income statement, so it is not recognized as a corporate expense. Most companies do not gather together their e-mailing statistics even though the raw data are tabulated by the system every day. Organizations that have requested this type of information realize that they can learn which e-mail accounts are most active, which routinely send large volumes of e-mail, and the proportion of e-mail that is sent internally versus externally. This is not to be confused with electronic surveillance software that is specially designed to monitor Internet use and specific e-mail content. E-mail usage statistics have always been a part of the basic system; these were just never considered important enough to become management information.
The irony of e-mail is that it is a productivity tool that, through misuse, has become unproductive in our workplaces. Again, our instincts tell us this is true but it seems that if we don't come up with the hard numbers, there is no sense of urgency to try to resolve the problem. This may explain why the British company made headlines -- they did the math and did not like what they found.

So how do you do the math for yourself? Taking the earlier example, calculate the total time using 66 e-mails (40 incoming plus 26 outgoing) and average time spent on each (including prioritization, comprehension, disposition) as four minutes apiece. (This assumes that you may spend 30 seconds reading and deleting some messages, and 10 minutes composing others.)

Multiplying the two, you get 4.4 hours a day. If you are really quick and decide that three minutes is your average, then it takes you only 3.3 hours to whip through your daily allotment of e-mails -- hooray! The reality for many of us is that most e-mails take much longer than we would like to think and that may be an underlying reason not to calculate the bad news.

We can see how high volumes and poor message content interfere significantly with our daily routines. The real time spent on e-mail, because it is hours not minutes, truly comes at the expense of our other tasks and encroaches on our personal lives. This in turn serves to inhibit productivity, happiness with work/lifestyle balance, that both affect bottom-line contributions. Perhaps our British cousins have the right idea after all.

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Common Effluent Treatment Plants

Common Effluent Treatment Plants

Urbanisation and need for better living has incessantly generated requirement of consumer goods and infrastructural inputs. With market potential and easy finance available, the mushrooming rise in the number of small scale industries can be seen in any Indian city. Besides being a resource for market economy and production of large number of consumer items, it is generally observed that, either due to their economies of scale coupled with their unplanned growth and dearth of affordable and cost- effective treatment technology, efforts by small scale units in achieving the environmental compliance have not been effective. Their large number and diverse trade has further aggravated the problem. Under these constraints, setting-up of individual full-fledged treatment device is no longer feasible. Hence the desirable option is of the shared or combined treatment, wherein, managerial and operational aspects are collectively addressed and the cost of treatment , becomes affordable as enunciated in the scheme of the common effluent treatment plants, which are proving to be a boon especially for small entrepreneurs, given the methodical planning, regular operation and equitable contribution of member units. Such common facilities also facilitate proper management of effluent and compliance of the effluent quality standards.

• The concept of effluent treatment, by means, of a collective effort, has assumed reasonable gravity by being especially purposeful for cluster of small scale industrial units. Common effluent treatment plant (CETP) not only help the industries in easier control of pollution, but also act as a step towards cleaner environment and service to the society at large. Small scale industries, by their very nature of job cannot benefit much from economies of scale and therefore the burden of installing pollution- control equipment, falls heavy on them. Realising this practical problem, under the policy statement for abatement of pollution the Govt. felt to extend the scheme for promoting combined facilities for treatment of effluent and management of solid waste for clusters of small scale industria l units and also to provide technical support to them. Accordingly, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, had instructed various State Pollution Control Boards, to examine the possibilities of establishing CETPs in various Industrial estates in the respective states.
The concerted approach of joint or common effluent treatment provisions has many advantages. Wastewater of individual industries often contain significant concentration of pollutants; and to reduce them by individual treatment upto the desired concentration, become techno-economically difficult The combined treatment provides a better and economical option because of the equalization and neutralization taking place in the CETP.
Other important issues for the merit of common treatment include, scarcity of land at the industry's level and a comparatively easier availability of professional and trained staff for the operation of CETP, which can otherwise be difficult, at the individual industry level. For the regulatory authorities also, common treatment facility offers a comparatively easier means of ensuring compliance of stipulated norms. The handling and disposal of solid- waste also becomes increasingly easier as the infrastructure is created in the project itself. The concept of common treatment, based on feasibility, should be part of the new industrial estates as essential component of infrastructure, In fact, the location of industries should always be such that units with compatible nature of activity are located in a cluster which in-turn can facilitate in providing common treatment .

Measures for optimum efficiency
Operation of CETP being a participatory mechanism, the primary requirement is hence to define the ultimate responsibility for the proper functioning of the plant after it is commissioned. The important issues which merit consideration are :
Aspect of Ownership
Various ownership alternatives include- the plant owned by government, consortium of industries or by an independent body. Whatever be the case, the primary emphasis should be on responsiveness in terms of effective and optimal operation of the plant and accountability. The member industries should also be made to realise that they are equally responsible for the sustenance of the plant.
Conveyance System

Different from the discharge characteristics of an integrated ( big) industrial unit, small scale units usually generate higher proportion of floating or suspended particles in their effluent streams. At times their job operation result in high corrosive effluent. In either of these cases , to effectively convey their effluent to the CETP , it becomes necessary for individual units to set-up a ‘pre - treatment’ device. It is also necessary that the conveyance network be so designed as to ensure their periodic de-sludging. Care should also be taken to minimise on cost of operation by facilitating conveyance through gravity flow, instead of multistage pumping. In fact the location of CETP should be selected after a careful topographical survey of the drainage area to keep the conveyance route as short as possible. The chances of flooding in monsoon and accidental surface run-off into the conveyance route should also be looked into. Conveyance by tankers is another option, provided the chances of leakage are effectively checked and their transit is strictly monitored in accordance to a properly laid down system.
Cost of Treatment

The cost effective treatment supported with a system of regular collection / payment of treatment charges by each member unit, while maintaining its effluent quality within acceptable norms are some of the prerequisites. The system of payment should be legally supported to provide a check for non-payment of dues and to take steps against defaulters.

Criteria for Cost
The cost sharing should be decided in such a way that volume of effluent becomes an important norm, but its share in the total cost should not be such as to encourage by-passing of dilute streams and conveying highly toxic / non-biodegradable waste to CETP. The treatability factor should also be given due consideration in cost estimation. An effort by the industry to segregate toxic, highly acidic / highly basic, or toxic metal bearing waste be made to explore the possibility to de-toxify / neutralize or to attempt the recovery of metals by installing recovery plants, which are feasible and economically viable on account of their pay-back potentials.

Plant Design
The approach to provide treatment at low cost, an important factor in common treatment, depends on appropriate design of CETP. In keeping with the diverse nature and scale of operations, typical of small scale units, low capital investment and lower operation and maintenance cost incurred on treatment is a prime factor. In such a situation mechanical and chemical processes are advantageous over bio-logical systems. And the least preferred are conventional anaerobic processes on account of huge space requirements and least flexibility. Though,, the advanced UASB technique with less hydraulic retention and space requirement being significantly low, anaerobic system is also a possible option. In order to obviate the need of excessive civil work at CETP in making huge equalization and settling units, the member units should also provide settling and neutralization of their individual waste.

In order to minimize on the electrical cost, the possibility of substituting bio-energy should be explored to the extent possible. Proper management of sludge with its nutritive value would mobilize resources to substitute the operational cost.
While designing the plant it would be of additional advantage to keep manpower requirement as low as possible but high in technical skills to reduce down-time for maintenance.

Advantages of Common Treatment

o Saving in Capital and operating cost of treatment plant. Combined treatment is always cheaper than small scattered treatment units.
o Availability of land which is difficult to be ensured by all individual units in the event they go for individual treatment plants. This is particularly important in case of existing old industries which simply do not have any space.
o Contribution of nutrient and diluting potential, making the complex industrial waste more amenable to degradation.
o The neutralization and equalisation of heterogeneous waste makes its treatment techno-economically viable.
o Professional and trained staff can be made available for operation of CETP which is not possible in case of individual plants.
o Disposal of treated wastewater & sludge becomes more organised.
o Reduced burden of various regulatory authorities in ensuring pollution control requirement.



Nyepi is a Balinese "Day of Silence" that falls on Bali's Lunar New Year (March 26, 2009). It is a day of silence, fasting, and meditation. Day followed by Nyeipi is also celebrated as New year Gudi Padva in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in India
Observed from 6 a.m. until 6 a.m. the next morning, Nyepi is a day reserved for self-reflection and as such, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are: no lighting fires (and lights must be kept low); no working; no entertainment or pleasure; no traveling; and for some, no talking or eating at all. The effect of these prohibitions is that Bali’s usually bustling streets and roads are empty, there is little or no noise from TVs and radios, and few signs of activity are seen even inside homes. The only people to be seen outdoors are the Pecalang, traditional security men who patrol the streets to ensure the prohibitions are being followed.
Although Nyepi is primarily a Hindu holiday, non-Hindu residents of Bali observe the day of silence as well, out of respect for their fellow citizens. Even tourists are not exempt; although free to do as they wish inside their hotels, no one is allowed onto the beaches or streets, and the only airport in Bali remains closed for the entire day. The only exceptions granted are for emergency vehicles carrying those with life-threatening conditions and women about to give birth.
On the day after Nyepi, known as Ngembak Geni, social activity picks up again quickly, as families and friends gather to ask forgiveness from one another, and to perform certain religious rituals together.
• First, The Melasti Ritual is performed at the 3-4 previous day. It is dedicated to Sanghyang Widhi/Vishnu-Devas-Bataras and is performed at the beach to respect them as the owner of The Land and Sea.
• Second, The Bhuta Yajna Ritual is performed in order to vanquish the negative elements and create balance with God, Mankind, and Nature.
• Third, The Nyepi Rituals is performed with the following conditions:
o Amati Geni: No fire/light
o Amati Karya: No working
o Amati Lelunganan: No traveling
o Amati Lelanguan: Fasting
• Fourth, The Yoga/Brata Ritual starts at 6:00 AM March 19 and continues to 6:00 AM March 20 (24 hours, dates provided are for 2007).
• Fifth, The Ngebak Agni/Labuh Brata Ritual is performed for all Hindu's to forgive each other and to welcome the new days to come.
• Sixth and finally, The Dharma Shanti Rituals is performed as the Nyepi Day or "Day of Silence."

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Majority of Parpol indonesia Assessed Is not Informative.

Majority of Parpol Indonesia Assessed Is not Informative.

Awareness of party of polilitk participant of general election 2009 giving complete information in around party organization and caleg in the reality still is very low. Even refer equipment of formal situs 44 party participant of general election, nothing;there is no one even also party which stage very informative, including big partys.

That way result of research of Indonesian Sosiety For Civilized Election ISCEL which is Sunday dirilis ( 08 / 02) yesterday in Jakarta

In its finding of Chief Body of[is Official Member Of ISCEL Ari Julianto lay open, ketidaktrasparan of this political party of indication of its minim of datas which unfold in formal situs, goodness concerning background all and also caleg of no massage, logo and or party mission vision

Besides is incomplete, 6 parpol even do not have formal situs while 3 accessed difficult parpol, among others PDI-P and Functional group. This Condition according to Ari complicate elector society to select candidate of caleg with quality and recognize parpol more circumstantial. Three informative assessed parpol is Party Care People National, Democrat and Party Love Democratize Indonesia, whereas Functional group and of PDI-P enter category is not informative.

Research that goes on since 6 - 7 of Februari 2009 this conducted with analysing formal situs-situs contens of parpol participant of pemiu 2009. Formal Situs parpol selected by because this media is assessed cheap enough, is easy to accessed and have energy reach wide of. Consumer of internet in Indonesia till year 2008 estimated is big enough, that is around 25 million people.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

The Urea Cycle

The Urea Cycle

Earlier it was noted that kidney glutaminase was responsible for converting excess glutamine from the liver to urine ammonium. However, about 80% of the excreted nitrogen is in the form of urea which is also largely made in the liver, in a series of reactions that are distributed between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol. The series of reactions that form urea is known as the Urea Cycle or the Krebs-Henseleit Cycle.

The essential features of the urea cycle reactions and their metabolic regulation are as follows: Arginine from the diet or from protein breakdown is cleaved by the cytosolic enzyme arginase, generating urea and ornithine. In subsequent reactions of the urea cycle a new urea residue is built on the ornithine, regenerating arginine and perpetuating the cycle.

Ornithine arising in the cytosol is transported to the mitochondrial matrix, where ornithine transcabamoylase catalyzes the condensation of ornithine with carbamoyl phosphate, producing citrulline. The energy for the reaction is provided by the high-energy anhydride of carbamoyl phosphate. The product, citrulline, is then transported to the cytosol, where the remaining reactions of the cycle take place.

The synthesis of citrulline requires a prior activation of carbon and nitrogen as carbamoyl phosphate (CP). The activation step requires 2 equivalents of ATP and the mitochondrial matrix enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-I (CPS-I). There are two CP synthetases: a mitochondrial enzyme, CPS-I, which forms CP destined for inclusion in the urea cycle, and a cytosolic CP synthatase (CPS-II), which is involved in pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis. CPS-I is positively regulated by the allosteric effector N-acetyl-glutamate, while the cytosolic enzyme is acetylglutamate independent.

In a 2-step reaction, catalyzed by cytosolic argininosuccinate synthetase, citrulline and aspartate are condensed to form argininosuccinate. The reaction involves the addition of AMP (from ATP) to the amido carbonyl of citrulline, forming an activated intermediate on the enzyme surface (AMP-citrulline), and the subsequent addition of aspartate to form argininosuccinate.

Arginine and fumarate are produced from argininosuccinate by the cytosolic enzyme argininosuccinate lyase (also called argininosuccinase). In the final step of the cycle arginase cleaves urea from aspartate, regenerating cytosolic ornithine, which can be transported to the mitochondrial matrix for another round of urea synthesis. The fumarate, generated via the action of arginiosuccinate lyase, is reconverted to aspartate for use in the argininosuccinate synthetase reaction. This occurs through the actions of cytosolic versions of the TCA cycle enzymes, fumarase (which yields malate) and malate dehydrogenase (which yields oxaloacetate). The oxaloacetate is then transaminated to aspartate by AST.

Beginning and ending with ornithine, the reactions of the cycle consumes 3 equivalents of ATP and a total of 4 high-energy nucleotide phosphates. Urea is the only new compound generated by the cycle; all other intermediates and reactants are recycled. The energy consumed in the production of urea is more than recovered by the release of energy formed during the synthesis of the urea cycle intermediates. Ammonia released during the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction is coupled to the formation of NADH. In addition, when fumarate is converted back to aspartate, the malate dehydrogenase reaction used to convert malate to oxaloacetate generates a mole of NADH. These two moles of NADH, thus, are oxidized in the mitochondria yielding 6 moles of ATP.

The Glutamine Synthetase Reaction

The Glutamine Synthetase Reaction

The glutamine synthetase reaction is also important in several respects. First it produces glutamine, one of the 20 major amino acids. Second, in animals, glutamine is the major amino acid found in the circulatory system. Its role there is to carry ammonia to and from various tissues but principally from peripheral tissues to the kidney, where the amide nitrogen is hydrolyzed by the enzyme glutaminase (reaction below); this process regenerates glutamate and free ammonium ion, which is excreted in the urine.

Note that, in this function, ammonia arising in peripheral tissue is carried in a non-ionizable form which has none of the neurotoxic or alkalosis-generating properties of free ammonia.
Liver contains both glutamine synthetase and glutaminase but the enzymes are localized in different cellular segments. This ensures that the liver is neither a net producer nor consumer of glutamine. The differences in cellular location of these two enzymes allows the liver to scavenge ammonia that has not been incorporated into urea. The enzymes of the urea cycle are located in the same cells as those that contain glutaminase. The result of the differential distribution of these two hepatic enzymes makes it possible to control ammonia incorporation into either urea or glutamine, the latter leads to excretion of ammonia by the kidney.
When acidosis occurs the body will divert more glutamine from the liver to the kidney. This allows for the conservation of bicarbonate ion since the incorporation of ammonia into urea requires bicarbonate (see below). When glutamine enters the kidney, glutaminase releases one mole of ammonia generating glutamate and then glutamate dehydrogenase releases another mole of ammonia generating α-KG. The ammonia will ionizes to ammonium ion (NH4+) which is excreted. The net effect is a reduction in the concentration of hydrogen ion, [H+], and thus an increase in the pH (see also Kidneys and Acid-Base Balance).

The Glutamate Dehydrogenase Reaction

The reaction catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase is:

The glutamine synthetase reaction is also important in several respects. First it produces glutamine, one of the 20 major amino acids. Second, in animals, glutamine is the major amino acid found in the circulatory system. Its role there is to carry ammonia to and from various tissues but principally from peripheral tissues to the kidney, where the amide nitrogen is hydrolyzed by the enzyme glutaminase (reaction below); this process regenerates glutamate and free ammonium ion, which is excreted in the urine.

Note that, in this function, ammonia arising in peripheral tissue is carried in a non-ionizable form which has none of the neurotoxic or alkalosis-generating properties of free ammonia.
Liver contains both glutamine synthetase and glutaminase but the enzymes are localized in different cellular segments. This ensures that the liver is neither a net producer nor consumer of glutamine. The differences in cellular location of these two enzymes allows the liver to scavenge ammonia that has not been incorporated into urea. The enzymes of the urea cycle are located in the same cells as those that contain glutaminase. The result of the differential distribution of these two hepatic enzymes makes it possible to control ammonia incorporation into either urea or glutamine, the latter leads to excretion of ammonia by the kidney.

When acidosis occurs the body will divert more glutamine from the liver to the kidney. This allows for the conservation of bicarbonate ion since the incorporation of ammonia into urea requires bicarbonate (see below). When glutamine enters the kidney, glutaminase releases one mole of ammonia generating glutamate and then glutamate dehydrogenase releases another mole of ammonia generating α-KG. The ammonia will ionizes to ammonium ion (NH4+) which is excreted. The net effect is a reduction in the concentration of hydrogen ion, [H+], and thus an increase in the pH (see also Kidneys and Acid-Base Balance).

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009



All over the world there has been the belief in the supernatural through the ages. All of us have heard of extraordinary happenings, and many of us have had some personal experience of them. I would rather introduce the subject by telling you certain facts, which have come within my own experience. I once heard of a man who, if anyone went to him with questions in his mind, would answer them immediately; and I was also informed that he foretold events. I was curious, and went to see him with a few fr iends. We each had something in our minds to ask, and, to avoid mistakes, we wrote down our questions and put them in our pockets. As soon as the man saw one of us, he repeated our questions and gave answers to them. Then he wrote something on paper, whi ch he folded up, asked me to sign on the back, and said, 'Don't look at it; put it in your pocket, and keep it there till I ask for it again'. And so on to each of us. He next told us about some events that would happen to us in the future. Then he said, 'Now, think of a word or sentence, from any language you like.' I thought of a long sentence from Sanskrit, a language of which he was entirely ignorant. 'Now take out the paper from your pocket', he said. The Sanskrit sentence was written there! He had written it an hour before with the remark, 'In conformation of what I have written, this man will think of this sentence.' It was correct. Another of us who had been given a similar paper, which he had signed and placed in his pocket, was also asked to think of a sentence. He thought of a sentence in Arabic, which it was, still less possible for the man to know; it was some passage from the Koran. And my friend found this written down on the paper.

Another of us was physician. He thought of a sentence from a German medical book. It was written on his paper.

Several days later I went to this man again, thinking possibly I had been deluded somehow before. I took other friends, and on this occasion also he came out wonderfully triumphant.

Well, I saw many things like that. Going about India you find hundreds of similar things in different places. These are in every country. Even in this country you will find some such wonderful things. Of course there is a great deal of fraud, no doubt ; but then, whenever you see fraud, you have also to say that fraud is an imitation. There must be some truth somewhere that is being imitated; you cannot imitate anything. Imitation must be of something substantially true.

In very remote times in India, thousands of years ago, these facts used to happen even more than they do today. It seems to me that when a country becomes very thickly populated, psychical powers deteriorates. Given a vast country thinly inhabited, th ere will, perhaps, be more of psychical power there. These facts, the Hindus being analytically minded, took up and investigated. And they came to certain remarkable conclusions; that is, they made a science of it. They found out that all these, though e xtraordinary, are also natural; there is nothing supernatural. They are under laws just the same as any other physical phenomenon. It is not a freak of nature that a man is born with such powers. They can be systematically studied, practiced and acquired . This science they call the science of Raja-Yoga. There are thousands of people who cultivate the study of this science, and for the whole nation it has become a part of daily worship.

The conclusion they have reached is that all these extraordinary powers are in the mind of man. This mind is a part of the universal mind. Each mind is connected with every other mind. And each mind, whenever it is located, is in actual communication with the whole world.

Have you ever noticed the phenomenon that is called thought-transference? A man here is thinking something, and that thought is manifested in somebody else, in some other place. With preparations- not by chance- a man wants to send a thought to anothe r mind at a distance, and this other mind knows that a thought is coming, and he receives it exactly as it is sent out. Distance makes no difference. The thought goes and reaches the other man, and he understands it. If your mind were an isolated somethi ng here, and my mind were an isolated something their, and there were no connection between the two, how would it be possible for my thought to reach you? In the ordinary cases, it is not my thought that is reaching you direct; but my thought has got to be dissolved into ethereal vibrations and those ethereal vibrations go into your brain, and they have to be resolved again into your brain, and they have to be resolved again into your own thoughts. Here is dissolution of thought, and there is a resoluti on of thought. It is a roundabout process. But in telepathy, there is no such thing; it is direct.

This shows that there is a continuity of mind, as the Yogis call it. The mind is universal. Your mind, my mind, all these little minds, are fragments of that universal mind, little waves in the ocean; and on account of this continuity, we can convey o ur thoughts directly to one another.

You see what is happening all around us. The world is one of influence. Part of our energy is used up in the preservation of our own bodies. Beyond that, every particle of our energy is day and night being used in influencing others. Our bodies, our v irtues, our intellect, and our spirituality, all these are continuously influencing others; and so, conversely, we are influenced by them. This is going on all around us. Now, to take a concrete example. A man comes; you know he is very learned, his lang uage is beautiful, and he speaks to you by the hour; but he does not make any impression. Another man comes, and he speaks a few words, not well arranged, ungrammatical perhaps; all the same, he makes an immense impression. Many of you have seen that. So it is evident that words alone cannot always produce an impression. Words, even thoughts, contribute only one-third of the influence in making an impression, the man, two-thirds. What you call the personal magnetism of the man- that is what goes out and impresses you.

In our families there are the heads; some of them are successful, others are not. Why? We complain of others in our failure. The moment I am unsuccessful, I say, so-and-so is the cause of the failure. In failures, one does not like to confess one's ow n faults and weaknesses. Each person tries to hold himself faultless and lay the blame upon somebody or something else or even on bad luck. When heads of families fail, they should ask themselves, why it is that some persons manage a family so well and o thers do not. Then you will find that the difference is owing to the man- his presence, his personality.

Coming to great leaders of mankind, we always find that it was the personality of the man that counted. Now, take all the great authors of the past, the great thinkers. Really speaking, how many thoughts have they thought? Take all the writings that h ave been left to us by the past leaders of mankind; take each one of their books and appraise them. The real thoughts, new and genuine, that have been thought in this world up to this time, amount to only a handful. Read in their books the thoughts they have left to us. The authors do not appear to be giants to us, and yet we know that they were great giants in their days. What made them so? Not simply the thoughts they thought, neither the books they wrote, nor the speeches they made, it was something else that is now gone, that is their personality. As I have already remarked, the personality of the man is two-thirds, and his intellect, his words, are but one-third. It is the real man, the personality of the man that runs through us. Our actions are but effects. Actions must come when the man is there; the effect is bound to follow the cause.

The ideal of all education, all training, should be this man-making. But, instead of that, we are always trying to polish up the outside. What use to polish up the outside when there is no inside? The end and aim of all training is to make the man gro w. The man who influences, who throws his magic, as it were, upon his fellow-beings, is a dynamo of power, and when that man is ready, he can do anything and everything he likes; that personality put upon anything will make it work.

Now, we see that though this is a fact, no physical laws that we know of will explain it by chemical and physical knowledge? How much of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, how many molecules in different positions, and how many cells, etc., etc., can explain t his mysterious personality? And we still see, it is a fact, and not only that, it is the real man; and it is that man that lives and moves his fellow-beings, and passes out, and his intellect and books and works are but traces left behind. Think of this. Compare the great teachers of religion with the great philosophers. The philosophers scarcely influenced anybody's inner man, and yet they wrote most marvelous books. The religious teachers, on the other hand, moved countries in their lifetime. The diff erence was made by personality. In the philosopher, it is a faint personality that influences; in the great prophets it is temendous. In the former we touch the intellect, in the latter we touch life. In the one case, it is simply a chemical process, put ting certain chemical ingredients together, which may gradually, combine and under proper circumstances bring out a flash of light or may fail. In the other, it is like a torch that goes round quickly, lighting others.

The science of Yoga claims that it has discovered the laws, which develop this personality, and by proper attention to those laws and methods, each one can grow and strengthen his personality. This is one of the great practical things and this is the secret of all education.

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Types of pumps

Types of pumps

1- Displacement pumps:
Screw pump
Gears pump
2- Axial flow pumps
3- Centrafugal pumps:
Pump Classification According to Purpose and Principle of Operation

In accordance with their purpose, shipboard pumps can be di¬vided into three groups:
1. General service pumps whose function is to ensure the sea¬worthiness of the ship and to provide for the domestic needs of the
•crew and passengers, and also to maintain the necessary sanitary conditions on board.
2. Pumps of the shipboard systems, designed to serve the main
•and auxiliary systems, and to facilitate the maintenance of normal conditions for their operation.
3. Special-purpose pumps in tankers, trawlers, ice-breakers, life-saving ships and dredgers. General service pumps include:
(1) bilge pumps,
(2) sanitary pumps,
(3) fire pumps,
(4) emergency pumps.

The following types are distinguished:
1. Static head, or potential energy, pumps,
2. Dynamic head, or kinetic energy, pumps.
The first group of pumps, which mainly create a static head or potential energy, are of the positive displacement type and in¬clude reciprocating and rotary pumps.
In addition to the static head, the pumps of the second group impart considerable dynamic head, or kinetic energy, to the liquid being handled. The part of the kinetic energy (dynamic head) re¬quired to deliver the liquid to its destination is transformed into potential energy (static head) in special parts of the pump designed for this purpose. In other words, velocity head is converted into pressure head.
The second group includes centrifugal, propeller and jet pumps.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2009



food habits too follows various trends. There are times when Fast food are a craze and at times ppl suddenly turn health cautious eating only what is “green”. Trends in food are very common. Fast food sells like anything. It is a western concept that has gained large popularity in INDIA. Though largely disadvantageous ppl tend to neglect the health hazards caused by them…. Processed food are a little different from fast food. They are better than fast food but have some shortcomings too. They r not fresh, not homemade and above all not always a safe option..

Apart from the food habits the focus should also be on what is called “THE RICH MANS STUFF”. Charas , Ganja etc and other sedatives supplemented by less harmful cigrettes hooka etc are turning out to be a gr8 hit .

Then there are synthetically produced food stuffs that are forming the trend of the future. Tofu , spirulina etc The details of these trends in food are as follows

The message is: avoid high calorie and carbohydrate-rich food, including junk foods and beverages, right from childhood, because the seed of obesity in adults is sown in early childhood. The oft-repeated medical advice may sound staid, but studies conducted by doctors of the All-India Medical Institute (AIIMS), have shown that obesity, if not checked in early childhood, leads to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, gall stone disease and reproductive disorders.
We think Indian fast food is a healthier option than the reviled burger or pizza. But now studies prove they are no better.

Doctors say change in the dietary habits of children and their survival on aerated drinks, chips, noodles, sweets and chocolates alone have led to poor oral health, obesity, calcium and vitamin D deficiency and many other problems amongst these children.

We are seeing an alarmingly high number of children having symptoms of pre-diabetes, which makes them more prone to diabetes when they grow up. Mostly these children are obese, feeding on high calorie junk food like chocolates, pizzas with low nutritional value. Physical exercise is negligible due to mounting pressure, making things worse. The need of the hour is to distract the youth from fast food as the trends of diseases and side effects of fast food are alarming..

The Indian snack food market comprising bakery products, ready to eat mixes,instant food mixes, curries, chips, namkeens and other processed foods is large, diverse and dominated by the unorganized sector.
The popular milk products are cheese, butter, ghee, dairy whiteners and ice-creams.
What does the average middle class Indian eat in a day?
Chhole kulche, chana bhatura, samosa, kachori. Our own foods are killers. We don’t need the West to damage us. We are doing a good job of it ourselves

Recent reports on the dangers of trans-fatty acids in packaged foods.
We have to take these dangers very seriously.
Younger and younger people are today suffering from obesity and diabetes — thanks in part to such foods — which in turn is leading to cardio-vascular diseases.
Many high-end hospitals and posh schools offer/sell unhealthy and junk food. This is a case of commercialism triumphing over promotion of good health.
Young people are drawn towards eating these foods which are so attractively advertised on television...

The idiot box could not only be battering your senses day in and day out, but also affecting your eating habits.
Apart from changing the way people relate with one another, the obsession with prime time television is also impacting their culinary and dietary habits

Prime time is the time when maximum TV-viewing occurs, which also happens to be the time when most individuals are at home and winding up their daily grind.
They need to eat, relax and chat with the family prior to ending the day, but all this takes a back seat to TV.
Prime time television is forcing people to sacrifice meal planning and a balanced diet.
For housewives who feel TV is their only source of relaxation, regulate their time-table to suit television programmes .They either change their dinner time or eat before the TV set, which results in snacking on high calorie food. Families end up ordering out to minimise complex dinners being made at home

Youth and kids are influenced by commercials to crave convenience foods which imply that home food like roti and sabzi is boring.

Convenience foods like ready-to-eat packaged foods are high in sodium and preservatives and this can lead to disorders like hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Today's lifestyle has resulted in many changes in eating habits, and a move towards greater convenience. People are eating more processed and packaged food than before.
Whether in the form of munchies or biscuits, sauces or ready-to-eat foods, there are issues the consumer should consider before putting items into his shopping cart.
Most people don't check the labels of any of the packaged foods they buy. The reason being, anything that looks relatively fresh and is reasonably priced is considered good.

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009



Confectionery, processed food based on a sweetener, which may be sugar or honey, to which are added other ingredients such as flavourings and spices, nuts, fruits, fats and oils, gelatin, emulsifiers, colourings, eggs, milk products, and chocolate or cocoa. Confectionery, usually called sweets in Great Britain, or candy in the United States, can be divided into two kinds according to the preparation involved and based on the fact that sugar, when boiled, goes through different stages from soft to hard in the crystallization process. Typical of soft, or crystalline, sweets—smooth, creamy, and easily chewed—are fondants (the basis of chocolate creams) and fudge; typical hard, noncrystalline sweets are toffees and caramels. Other popular confections include nougats, marshmallows, the various forms of chocolate (bars or moulded pieces, sometimes filled), pastes and marzipan, candy floss (spun sugar, called barbe à papa in France and cotton candy in the United States), popcorn, liquorice, and chewing gum. The term also refers to flour confectionery, such as biscuits and pastries.

Records show that confectionery was used as an offering to the gods of ancient Egypt. Honey was used as the sweetener until the introduction of sugar into medieval Europe. Among the oldest types of confectionery are liquorice and ginger from East Asia and marzipan from Europe. Its production did not begin on a large scale until the early 19th century, when, with the development of special machinery, it became a British speciality. Today, annual world production of confectionery totals many millions of kilograms.

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Cane Sugar

Cane Sugar

Growing the Cane
Sugar cane is a sub-tropical and tropical crop that prefers lots of sun and lots of water - provided that its roots are not waterlogged. It typically takes about 12 months to reach maturity although the time varies widely around the world from as short as six months in Louisiana to 24 months in some places. Where it differs from many crops is that it re-grows from the roots so the plant lasts many cycles [or 'ratoons', a word derived from the Spanish to sprout] before it is worn out.

Sugar cane is harvested by chopping down the stems but leaving the roots so that it re-grows in time for the next crop. Harvest times tend to be during the dry season and the length of the harvest ranges from as little as 2 ½ months up to 11 months. The cane is taken to the factory: often by truck or rail wagon but sometimes on a cart pulled by a bullock

The first stage of processing is the extraction of the cane juice. In many factories the cane is crushed in a series of large roller mills: similar to a mangle [wringer] which was used to squeeze the water out of clean washing a century ago. The sweet juice comes gushing out and the cane fibre is carried away for use in the boilers. In other factories a diffuser is used as is described for beet sugar manufacture. Either way the juice is pretty dirty: the soil from the fields, some small fibres and the green extracts from the plant are all mixed in with the sugar.

The factory can clean up the juice quite easily with slaked lime (a relative of chalk) which settles out a lot of the dirt so that it can be sent back to the fields. Once this is done, the juice is thickened up into a syrup by boiling off the water using steam in a process called evaporation. Sometimes the syrup is cleaned up again but more often it just goes on to the crystal-making step without any more cleaning. The evaporation is undertaken in order to improve the energy efficiency of the factory

The syrup is placed into a very large pan for boiling, the last stage. In the pan even more water is boiled off until conditions are right for sugar crystals to grow. You may have done something like this at school but probably not with sugar because it is difficult to get the crystals to grow well. In the factory the workers usually have to throw in some sugar dust to initiate crystal formation. Once the crystals have grown the resulting mixture of crystals and mother liquor is spun in centrifuges to separate the two, rather like washing is spin dried. The crystals are then given a final dry with hot air before being stored ready for despatch.


The final raw sugar forms a sticky brown mountain in the store and looks rather like the soft brown sugar found in domestic kitchens. It could be used like that but usually it gets dirty in storage and has a distinctive taste which most people don't want. That is why it is refined when it gets to the country where it will be used. Additionally, because one cannot get all the sugar out of the juice, there is a sweet by-product made: molasses. This is usually turned into a cattle food or is sent to a distillery where alcohol is made.

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009



Chocolate was created by the Mesoamerican civilization, from cacao beans, and cultivated by pre-Columbian civilizations such as the Maya and Aztec, who used it as a basic component in a variety of sauces and beverages. The cocoa beans were ground and mixed with water to produce a variety of beverages, both sweet and bitter, which were reserved only to the highest noblemen and clerics of the Mesoamerican world. The word "chocolate" comes from the Nahuatl words Xocol meaning "bitter" and Atl meaning "water". Chocolate is made from the fermented, roasted, and ground beans taken from the pod of the tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which was native to Central America and Mexico, but is now cultivated throughout the tropics. The beans have an intensely flavored bitter taste. The resulting products are known as "chocolate" or, in some parts of the world, cocoa

It is the solid and fat combination, sweetened with sugar and other ingredients, that is made into chocolate bars and which is commonly referred to as chocolate by the public. It can also be made into beverages (called cocoa and hot chocolate). The first chocolate beverages were made by the Aztecs and the Mayas and later the Europeans. Chocolate is often produced as small molded forms in the shape of animals, people, or inanimate objects to celebrate festivals worldwide. For example, there are moulds of rabbits or eggs for Easter, coins for Hanukkah, Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus) for Christmas, and hearts for Valentine's Day.

Classifications of Chocolate

• Chocolate is a popular ingredient, and it is available in many types. Different forms and flavours of chocolate are produced by varying the quantities of the different ingredients. Other flavours can be obtained by varying the time and temperature when roasting the beans.

• Unsweetened chocolate is pure chocolate liquor, also known as bitter or baking chocolate. It is unadulterated chocolate: the pure, ground, roasted chocolate beans impart a strong, deep chocolate flavour. With the addition of sugar, however, it is used as the base for cakes, brownies, confections, and cookies.

• Dark chocolate is chocolate without milk as an additive. It is sometimes called "plain chocolate". The U.S. Government calls this "sweet chocolate", and requires a 15% concentration of chocolate liquor. European rules specify a minimum of 35% cocoa solids.

• Milk chocolate is chocolate with milk powder or condensed milk added. The U.S. Government requires a 10% concentration of chocolate liquor. EU regulations specify a minimum of 25% cocoa solids.

• Semisweet chocolate is often used for cooking purposes. It is a dark chocolate with high sugar content.

• Bittersweet chocolate is chocolate liquor (or unsweetened chocolate) to which sugar, more cocoa butter, lecithin, and vanilla has been added. It has less sugar and more liquor than semisweet chocolate, but the two are interchangeable in baking. bittersweet and semisweet chocolates are sometimes referred to as
'couverture' (chocolate that contains at least 32 percent cocoa butter); many brands now print on the package the percentage of cocoa (as chocolate liquor and added cocoa butter) contained. The rule is that the higher the percentage of cocoa, the less sweet the chocolate will be.

• Couverture is a term used for chocolates rich in cocoa butter. Popular brands of couverture used by professional pastry chefs and often sold in gourmet and specialty food stores include: Valrhona, Felchlin, Lindt & Sprüngli, Scharffen Berger, Cacao Barry, Callebaut, and Guittard. These chocolates contain a high percentage of cocoa (sometimes 70% or more) and have a total fat content of 30-40%.

• White chocolate is a confection based on cocoa butter without the cocoa solids.

• Cocoa powder. There are two types of unsweetened baking cocoa available: natural cocoa (like the sort produced by Hershey's and Nestlé) and Dutch-process cocoa (such as the Hershey's European Style Cocoa and the Droste brand). Both are made by pulverising partially defatted chocolate liquor and removing nearly all the cocoa butter. Natural cocoa is light in colour and somewhat acidic with a strong chocolate flavour. Natural cocoa is commonly used in recipes which call for baking soda. Because baking soda is an alkali, combining it with natural cocoa creates a leavening action that allows the batter to rise during baking. Dutch-process cocoa is processed with alkali to neutralise its natural acidity. Dutch cocoa is slightly milder in taste, with a deeper and warmer colour than natural cocoa. Dutch-process cocoa is frequently used for chocolate drinks such as hot chocolate due to its ease in blending with liquids. Unfortunately, Dutch processing destroys most of the flavonols present in cocoa.

• Compound is the technical term for a confection combining cocoa with vegetable fat, usually tropical fats and/or hydrogenated fats, as a replacement for cocoa butter. It is primarily used for candy bar coatings, but because it does not contain cocoa butter, in the US it is not allowed to be called "chocolate." Popular in Britain, the European Union for a time required that it be called "vegelate", but it can now be called "family chocolate". Unfortunately in America, to the untrained observer the adjective used for this substance appears to merely be the adjectival form of chocolate: "chocolatey". The candy bars sold in America often no longer have true chocolate as a major component. This is especially true for much candy passed as "white chocolate", which need not contain anything from the cacao bush at all. This can translate to poor taste, texture and possibly health concerns, particularly when partially hydrogenated oils are used to replace cacao butter.

Flavours such as mint, orange, or strawberry are sometimes added to chocolate. Chocolate bars frequently contain added ingredients such as peanuts, nuts, fruit, caramel, or even crisped rice.